Dr.Jakrapong Pongpeng (จักรพงษ์ พงษ์เพ็ง)
Associate Professor
Email: jakrapong.po@kmitl.ac.th
Tel.:(+66) 2329-8334
Ph.D., Construction Engineering and Management, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.
M.Eng., Construction Management, Kasetsart University (KU), Thailand.
B.Eng., Agricultural Engineering, Kornkaen University (KKU), Thailand.
- Problem Solving, Decision Making
- Tender Evaluation, Bidding
- Operational Research, Modeling
- Project and Construction Management
- Sustainability Assessment
- Contractor and subcontractor selection
- Project selection and evaluation
- Equipment selection and management
- Designer selection
- Bidding and tendering
- Structural equation modeling
- Decision under risk and uncertainty
Bachelor courses:
- Construction Engineering and Management
- Construction Technology
Master courses:
- Project Management
- Risk Management
- Strategic Management for Engineering
Doctoral courses:
- Strategic Management for Engineering
- Project Management
- Risk Management
Referee for international journals:
- Construction Management and Economics
- Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
- Built Environment Project and Asset Management
- Journal of Cleaner Production
- A working group of documentation for Continuing Professional Development in civil engineering, Council of engineers (2007)
- Committee, Continuing Professional Development in civil engineering, Engineering Institute of Thailand (2011-2016)
- Tokai Memorandum Scholarship for research purpose (1994)
- Royal Thai Government Scholarship for pursuing PhD study (1997-2002)
- – Best paper award in construction engineering and management, The 18th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 8-10 May 2013
- – Best paper award in construction engineering and management, The 20th National Convention on Civil Engineering, 8-10 July 2015
Papers in International Journals:
- Krajangsri, T. and Pongpeng, J., 2017, “Effect of Sustainable Infrastructure Assessments on Construction Project Success Using Structural Equation Modeling”, Journal of Management in Engineering, 33, 3, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000509, 04016056.
- Samee, K. and Pongpeng, J., 2016, “Structural Equation Model for Construction Equipment Management Affecting Project and Corporate Performance”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 20, 5, DOI: 10.1007/s12205-015-0717-1, 1642-1656.
- Samee, K. and Pongpeng, J., 2016, “Structural equation model for construction equipment selection and contractor competitive advantages”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 20, 1, DOI: 10.1007/s12205-015-0632-5, 77-89.
- Pongpeng, J. and Liston, J., 2003, “Note: A multicriteria model’s survey: state-of-the-art and necessary capabilities of future models”, Construction Management and Economics, 21, 7, DOI: 10.1080/0144619032000093288, 665-670.
- Pongpeng, J. and Liston, J., 2003, “Contractor ability criteria: a view from the Thai construction industry”, Construction Management and Economics, 21, 3, DOI: 10.1080/0144619032000049647, 267-282.
- Pongpeng, J. and Liston, J., 2003, “TenSeM: a multicriteria and multidecision-makers’ model in tender evaluation”, Construction Management and Economics, 21, 1, DOI: 10.1080/0144619032000065090, 21-30.
International/Regional Conference Proceedings:
- Chantemduang, A. and Pongpeng, J. (2013) “A COMMON PROCESS FOR SELECTING A CONSTRUCTION-PROJECT DELIVERY SYSTEM”, Proceedings of The Forth International Conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management (EPPM 2013), (CD-ROM), The Sukosol, October, Bangkok.
- Panikorn, E. and Pongpeng, J. (2013) “A structure of risk factors for installing façade of buildings influencing the success of construction”, Proceedings of The Forth International Conference on Engineering, Project and Production Management (EPPM 2013), (CD-ROM), The Sukosol, October, Bangkok.
- Samee, K. and Pongpeng, J. (2012) “Construction equipment selection: a common procedure”, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability (CD-ROM), The Swissotel Le Concorde, November, Bangkok.
- Pansai, T. and Pongpeng, J. (2012) “A common process of construction project selection”, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability (CD-ROM), The Swissotel Le Concorde, November, Bangkok.
- Ekmaruken, T. and Pongpeng, J. (2012) “Analyzing a structure of factors evaluating ethics of contractors according to Buddhism”, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability (CD-ROM), The Swissotel Le Concorde, November, Bangkok.
- Sirithum, P. and Pongpeng, J. (2011) “A Web-Based Application for the Evaluation of Managing Building Projects”, Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability (CD-ROM), KMITL, January, Bangkok, pp.158-161.
- Saratakit, M. and Pongpeng, J. (2009) “A web application for evaluating ability of building-work subcontractors”, Proceedings of the sixth Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development (CD-ROM), Kasetsart University, January, Bangkok.
- Sangthong, K. and Pongpeng, J. (2009) “Factors for evaluating steel bar-vendor ability: a view from main contractors”, Proceedings of the sixth Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development (CD-ROM), Kasetsart University, January, Bangkok.
- Pongpeng, J. and Sajjarungruang, C. (2007) “A Framework for Evaluating Building-Designer Ability: a View from the Thai Construction Industry”, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering, Applied Science, and Technology (CD-ROM), KMITL, November, Bangkok, pp.456-459.
- Pongpeng, J. (2004) “A computer software tool for tender evaluation”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Globalisation and Construction: Meeting the Challenges, Reaping the Benefits, CIB-SCE, AIT, November, Bangkok, pp.977-986.