Dr.Preeda Chaturabong (ปรีดา จาตุรพงศ์)
Associate Professor
Email: pchaturabong@gmail.com or preeda.ch@kmitl.ac.th
Tel: (+66) 2329-8334
Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 2016
Major on Asphalt Material
M.Sc. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 2014
Major on Asphalt Material
M.Eng. in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (Transportation Engineering), Asian Institue of Technology, Thailand, 2010
B.Eng. in Civil Engineering, Kasetsart University, Thailand, 2008
- Asphalt Characteristics
- Asphalt Modification
- Asphalt Pavement Distress (i.e. rutting and moisture damage)
- Surface Treatment
- Asphalt Emulsion
- Pavement Design
- Road Safety
- Asphalt Material and its Characteristics
- Pavement and Surface Design
- Road Safety
Working Experiences
– 2016-Today Nanyang Technological University
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
o Led the techniques for quick response to oil spillage project from Land Transport Authority (LTA)
o Applied new techniques for binder modification
– 2015-2016 University of Wisconsin-Madison
Assistant Lab Manager
o Assisted lab manager in maintaining laboratory equipment for Modified Asphalt Research Center (MARC)
– 2012-2016 University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Assistant
o Conducted industrial projects more than 10 projects for MARC involving asphalt binders, modifiers, and mixtures
– 2014-2016 University of Wisconsin-Madison
Teaching Assistant
o Conducted laboratory and discussion sessions for course ‘CEE 395 – Materials for Constructed Facilities’
– 2010-2012 Asian Institute of Technology
Research Associate
– 2009-2010 Asian Institute of Technology
Research Assistant
Research and Project Experiences
Research on Effective Techniques for Quick Response to Oil Spillage on Singapore Roads
September 2016-September 2017
• Developed a quick technique to refinish the oil‐spilled road with a temporary surface so that the affected road can be re‐opened safely to traffic within the shortest possible time, e.g., 1‐2 hours after removal of the spilled oil.
Analysis and Feasibility of Asphalt Pavement Performance-Based Specifications for WisDOT
June 2015-August 2016
• Developed criteria for selection of candidate test methods and a process for prioritizing which properties will be measured in the performance-based HMA evaluation framework.
• Identified and validated surrogate measures of performance for use during production and acceptance testing.
• Quantified the benefits and identified the challenges of implementing a performance-based framework of mix acceptance through comparison of outcomes to current practice.
A Study on the Performance of Bio-Based Antistrips in Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)
April 2015-August 2016 • Determined the effect of Cargill’s anti-stripping and different aggregate types on moisture damage resistance
The Optimization of Polymeric Product for Improving the Moisture Damage in HMA
April 2015- August 2016
• Evaluated the rut depth of different mix design using Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test
Performing Characterization Tests for 14 Types of Mineral Filler
February 2015-August 2015
• Coordinated with the technician to conducting the surface area measurement Mechanism of Rutting Failure in Asphalt Mixture in the Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test (Dry Condition) and the Potential for Replacing the Flow Number Test
January 2015-August 2016
• Established the determination of Tertiary point on Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test (HWT) graph using Franken Model
• Determined aggregate packing of confined mixture in HWT
• Investigated the relationship between the results as measured by HWT (dry) and those as measured by confined Flow Number test to evaluate the potential using dry HWT as measuring device for rutting performance in laboratory.
• Determined the correlation between wet and dry condition testing in HWT
Performance-Related Specifications (PRS) for Asphaltic Binders Used in Preservation Surface Treatments (PSTs) (NCHRP 9-50)
August 2012-August 2016
• Evaluated existing binder tests and, if necessary, identify new tests that relate to performance, and
• Developed PRS for PSTs that provide a direct relationship between the key quality characteristics of asphaltic binders and PST performance.
Lubrication Mechanisms during Mixture Compaction August 2014-August 2015
• Investigated the effects of different additives formulated to improve adhesion or lubricity on mastic viscosity as a means to select additives with the properties that are most effective for use as a compaction aid technology
Performing Binder Tests of Asphalt Emulsion for Elrich Company
January 2013-March 2013
• Conducted the asphalt emulsion testing using Dynamic Shear Rheometer
Development of the Loaded Wheel Tracking Test (LWT) for Evaluating Bleeding in Chip Seals and Relationship to Emulsion Residue Rheology August 2012-May 2014
• Developed a test method for evaluating the bleeding using loaded wheel test (LWT) specified in ASTM D6372
• Investigated the relationship between emulsion residue performance as measured by the MSCR test and chip seal bleeding resistance as measured by the LWT to evaluate the influence factors that related to bleeding performance to prevent bleeding in the field.
• Quantified the benefits of emulsion modification to address bleeding resistance through comparison of emulsion residue and chip seal mixture samples prepared with conventional emulsions, and emulsions modified with SBS polymer and SBR Latex.
Analysis of Accident Costs by using the Willingness-To-Pay Method among Motorcycle users in Bangkok and surrounding areas
May 2008-May 2010
• Estimated the economic costs of motorcycle accidents in Thailand by using the WTP method
• Evaluated how factors (socioeconomic characteristics, attitude toward risk on the value of life, trip purpose of motorcycle riding, and frequency of trips made by motorcycles) affect the willingness of motorcyclists to pay to avoid involvement in crashes and risk of death
Professional Societies
International Society for Asphalt Pavements (ISAP)
Canadian Technical Asphalt Association (CTAA)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
The American of Modified Asphalt Producers (AMAP)
– AIT Award Nominee for Best Master Thesis, Asian Institute of Technology, 2010
Student Research Travel Grant – Conference Presentation Funds, 2016
– Teaching Assistant Fellowship, Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin Madison, 2014-present
– Research Assistant Fellowship, Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin Madison, 2012-present
– Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Welfare Foundation, 2009
– Royal Thai Government Scholarship, Asian Institute of Technology, 2008
Bachelor courses:
- Highway Engineering
- Pavement Design
- Civil Engineering Materials and Testing
- Highway Engineering Laboratory
Master courses:
- Asphalt Technology
- Research Methodology
Doctoral courses:
- Asphalt Technology
- Research Methodology
Papers in International Journals (last 5 years)
- Mongkol, K.; Chaturabong, P.; Suwannaplai, A. Effect of Bagasse and Coconut Peat Fillers on Asphalt Mixture Workability. Coatings 2020, 10, 1262. https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings101212622)
- Rachabut, K.; Chaturabong, P. Evaluation of Using Natural Fillers to Improve Moisture Damage Resistance and the Use of Pull-Off Tensile Test in Determining Moisture Damage Resistance in Asphalt Mixture. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 4318. https://doi.org/10.3390/app101243183)
- Puttawong, C.; Chaturabong, P. “Willingness-To-Pay for Estimation the Risk Pedestrian Group Accident Cost” Civil Engineering Journal 6(6):1064-1073 (2020). https://doi.org/10.28991/cej-2020-030915294)Chaturabong, P. Evaluation of Bleeding Resistance in Chip Seal and Asphalt Emulsion Residue Rheology. Coatings 2019, 9, 6705)
- Mandal, T., Ling, C., Chaturabong, P. and Bahia, H. Evaluation of analysis methods of the semi-circular bend (SCB) test results for measuring cracking resistance of asphalt mixtures. Int. J. Pavement Res. Technol., Vol. 12, 2019, pp. 456-463.6)
- Chaturabong, P., Lim, T.T. and Wong, Y.D., Effective surface treatment techniques for refinishing oil-stained road surface, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 159, 2018, pp. 64-72.7)
- Chaturabong, P. and Bahia, H., The Evaluation of Relative Effect of Moisture in Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 153, 2017, pp. 337-345.
- Chaturabong, P. and Bahia, H., Mechanisms of Asphalt Mixture Rutting in the Dry Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test and the Potential for Replacing the Flow Number Test, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 146, 2017, pp. 175-182.
- Chaturabong P. and Bahia, H., Effect of Moisture on the Cohesion of Asphalt Mastics and Bonding with Surface of Aggregates, Road Materials and Pavement Design, DOI: 10.1080/14680629.2016.1267659, 2016.
- Chaturabong, P., Hanz, A. and Bahia, H., Development of the Loaded Wheel Test (LWT) for Evaluating Bleeding in Chip Seals, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2481, 2015, pp. 48–55.
Articles/Technical Reports
- Porot, L., Soenen, H., Besamusca, J., Apeagyei, A., Grenfell, J., Vansteenkiste, S. Chailleux, E.,Gaudefroy, V., Chaturabong, P., Tozzo, C., Artamendi, I., Dariusz, S., Martinez, F.B., Safwat, S., Partl, N.M., Canestrari, F., Hauser, E., and Wistuba, M.P., Bituminous Binder, In book: Testing and Characterization of Sustainable Innovative Bituminous Materials and Systems, RILEM TC 237 SIB – TG1 binder, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-71023-5_2
- Kim, Y.R., Adams, J., Castorena, C., Ilias, M., Im, J.H., Bahia, H.U., Chaturabong, P., Hanz, A. and Johannes, P., Performance-Related Specifications for Emulsified Asphaltic Binders Used in Preservation Surface Treatments, NCHRP research report 837, DOI: 10.17226/24694, 2017
- Teymourpour, P., Swiertz, D., Ling, C., Varma, R., Mandal. T., Chaturabong. P., Lyngdal, E., Hanz, A. and Bahia, H.U., Analysis and Feasibility of Asphalt Pavement Performance-Based Specifications for WisDOT, WHRP Project: 0092-15-04 Final Report, 2016
- Hanz, A., Johannes, P., Chaturabong, P. and Bahia, H., Development of a More Rational System for Selecting Emulsions for Surface Treatments, Transportation Research Circular: Progress Toward Performance-Graded Emulsified Asphalt Specifications, No. E-C182, 2014, pp. 20–37.
International Conference Proceedings:
- Mandal, T., Ling, C., Chaturabong, P. and Bahia, H., Effects of Mixture Design Factors on Results of Semicircular Bending Test, Transportation Research Board (TRB) 96th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 10, 2017
- Chaturabong, P., Hanz, A. and Bahia, H., Relationship between Bleeding Resistance in Chip Seals and Emulsion Residue Rheology, Transportation Research Board (TRB) 95th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 10-14, 2016
- Chaturabong P. and Bahia, H., Effect of Moisture on the Cohesion of Asphalt Mastics and Bonding with Surface of Aggregates, Transportation Research Board (TRB) 95th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 10-14, 2016
- Chaturabong, P., Hanz, A. and Bahia, H., Development of the Loaded Wheel Test (LWT) for Evaluating Bleeding in Chip Seals, Transportation Research Board (TRB) 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2015
- Hanz, A., Johannes, P., Chaturabong, P. and Bahia, H., Development of a More Rational System for Selecting Emulsions and Hot Binders for Surface Treatments, Pavement Performance Prediction Sympotium, Western Research Institute, Laramie, WY, July 18, 2013
- Chaturabong, P., Kanitpong, K. and Jiwattanakulpaisarn, P., Analysis of Costs of Motorcycle Accidents in Thailand by Willingness-to-Pay Method, Transportation Research Board (TRB) 90th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 23-27, 2011
- Chaturabong, P., Kanitpong, K. and Jiwattanakulpaisarn, P., Analysis of Costs of Motorcycle Accidents in Thailand by Willingness-to-Pay Method, 12th World Conference on Transport Research, July 11-15, 2010.