Dr.Chodchanok Attaphong (ชดชนก อัฑฒพงศ์)
Assistant Professor
Email: kachodchanok@gmail.com or chodchanok.at@kmitl.ac.th
Tel: (+66) 2329-8334
Website : https://sites.google.com/a/kmitl.ac.th/chodchanok-at/
Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA, 2014 (GPA 4.00)
The School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science
M.Sc. in Environmental Management, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 2007 (GPA 3.94)
The National Center of Excellence for Environmental and Hazardous Waste Management (NCE-EHWM)
B.Eng. in Environmental Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 2005 (2nd class honor, GPA 3.46)
Faculty of Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Hazardous Waste Management
- Industrial and Construction Waste Management
- Biofuels and Combustion Characteristics
- Fundamental of Colloid and Surface Science for Applications: surfactant, emulsion, and microemulsions
- Advanced Technologies for Biofuels with Environmental Sustainability: vegetable oil-based microemulsions (nanotechnology) and Jet A/alcohol blends
- Fuel and Combustion Characteristics: design and operation of laminar flames, and fuel property analysis
- Others: – Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) – Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) – Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for environmental applications
– Present: Lecturer at Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), Thailand
– 2014: Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oklahoma, USA
•Properties and characteristics of bio-based surfactants for dispersing oil spill in seawater
•Formulations of vegetable oil-based microemulsions for cold detergency applications
– 2006-2014: Research Assistant at the University of Oklahoma, USA,
The School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
•Combustion properties of Jet A/ethanol blends of spray flames in a porous media burner
•Combustion characteristics of laminar-partially premixed flames of microemulsion fuels
The School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science
•Formulations of vegetable oil-based microemulsion fuels as alternative renewable fuels with the ultimate goal of environmental sustainability
•Fuel characteristics (i.e., stability, rheology, droplet size, and flow properties)
•Formulations of vegetable oil-based microemulsions for detergency applications
•Adsorption and adsolubilization using polymerizable surfactants onto aluminum oxide surface
Institute for Applied Surfactants Research
•Lab demonstration representatives for surfactant short course
– 2011–2014: Teaching Assistant at the University of Oklahoma, USA
•Colloid and Surface Science
•Physicochemical Water Treatment Process
– 2007-2008: Engineering Researcher at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Department of Environmental Engineering
•Strategic development plan for Biodiesel and Oleo chemicals industry, DEDE (Responsibilities: conducting literature reviews, developing strategic plan, evaluating environmental impact from biodiesel production)
•Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises or Businesses (SMEs) according to the standard. Department of Industrial Works. (Responsibilities: conducting site survey, evaluating energy consumption and proposing energy saving solution)
•Study of technology of air and water pollution control in power plant. EGAT. (Responsibilities: conducting literature reviews and writing report)
•Study of the promotion of waste to biogas project for industries, DEDE. (Responsibilities: providing environmental condition for conceptual design of biogas system)
•Study of energy efficiency improvement of the sugar industry. The Office of the Cane and Sugar Board (OCSB). (Responsibilities: conducting site survey, evaluating energy consumption and proposing energy saving solution, calculating carbon footprints)
2006-2007: Research Assistant at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand National Center of Excellence for Environmental and Hazardous Waste Management (NCE-EHWM) International program
•Adsorption and adsolubilization using polymerizable surfactants onto aluminum oxide surface
•License for Professional Practice of Environmental Engineering, Council of Engineers, Thailand (2009)
•Short Course in Applied Surfactant Science and Technology, Instituted Applied For Surfactant Research (IASR), Norman, Oklahoma, USA (2006)
•Short Course in Microemulsions: Fundamentals and Applications, the 97th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, St. Louis, Missouri, USA (2006)
•Short Course in Biodiesel Technology, the 99th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Seattle, Washington, USA (2008)
From American Oil and Chemists’ Society (AOCS) Annual Meeting and Expo, USA
•Hans Kauntz Award (2014)
•Honored Student Award (2013)
•Manuchehr Eijadi Award, (2013)
•Ralph H. Potts Memorial Fellowship (2012)
•Surfactant and Detergent Division Student Travel Award (2011)
From the University of Oklahoma, USA
•Sooner Heritage Scholarship (2013)
From Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
•The 90th Years Anniversary of Chulalongkorn University Scholarship (2006-2007)
•Graduate scholarship for Master degree at Chulalongkorn University (2005-2007)
•Research grant to conduct collaborative research at the University of Oklahoma (2006)
•Best Environmental Engineering Senior Project Award (2005)
Bachelor courses:
- Fundamental of Air Pollution and its Control
- Environment Impact Assessment
- Engineering Drawing
- Construction Technology
- Hydraulic Laboratory
Master courses:
- Air Pollution Control
- Principle of Water and Enegy System
- Research Methodology
Doctoral courses:
- NA
Papers in International Journals
- Attaphong C., Singh V., Balakrishnan A., Do L.D., Arpornpong N., Parthasarathy R.N., Gollahalli S.R., Khaodhiar S., and Sabatini D.A. “Phase Behaviors, Fuel Properties, and Combustion Characteristics of Alcohol-vegetable oil-diesel Microemulsion Fuels.” International Journal of Green Energy. 2016, 13 (9), 930-943.
- Do L.D., Attaphong C., Scamehorn J.F., and Sabatini D.A. “Detergency of Vegetable Oiland Semi-Solid Fats Using Microemulsion Mixtures of Anionic Extended Surfactants: The HLD Concept and Cold Water Applications.” Journal of Surfactant and Detergent. 2015, 18, 373-382.
- Arpornpong N., Attaphong C., Charoensaeng A., Sabatini D.A., Khaodhiar S. “Ethanol-in-palm oil/diesel microemulsion-based biofuel: Phase behavior, viscosity, and droplet size.” Fuel. 2014, 132, 101–106.
- Attaphong C., Sabatini D.A. “Phase Behaviors of Vegetable Oil-based Microemulsion Fuels: The Effects of Temperatures, Surfactants, Oils, and Water in Ethanol.” Energy & Fuels. 2013, 27(11), 6773–6780.
- Attaphong C., Do L., Sabatini D.A. “Vegetable Oil-based Microemulsions Using Carboxylate-based Extended Surfactants and Their Potential as An Alternative Renewable Biofuel.” Fuel. 2012, 94, 606-613.
- Phan T., Attaphong C., Sabatini D.A., “Effect of Extended Surfactant Structure on Interfacial Tension and Microemulsion Formation with Triglycerides.” Journal of American Oil Chemists’ Society. 2011, 88, 1223-1228.
- Attaphong C., Asnachinda E., Charoensaeng A., Sabatini D.A., Khaodhiar S. “Adsorption and Adsolubilization of Polymerizable Surfactants on Aluminum Oxide.” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2010, 344(1), 126-131.
- Attaphong C., Parthasarathy R.N.*, Gollahalli S.R. “Combustion Properties of Jet A/Ethanol Blends in a Porous Media Burner.” Proceedings of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The 11th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (AIAA), San Jose, CA, USA (July 14 – 17, 2013).
- Attaphong C.*, Do L., Sabatini D.A. “Vegetable Oil-based Reverse Micelle Microemulsion Biofuel Using Biodegradable Surfactants.” The International Conference on Environmental and Hazardous Substance Management towards a Green Economy (EHSM), Bangkok, Thailand (May 21 – 23, 2013).
- Attaphong C.*, Asnachinda E., Charoensaeng A., Khoadhiar S., Sabatini D.A. “Adsorption and Adsolubilization Using Polymerizable Surfactants onto Aluminum Oxide Surface.” The 13th Thailand-Korea conference on Environmental Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand (March 13 – 16, 2007).
- Attaphong C., Scamehorn J., Sabatini D.A.* “Optimized Microemulsion Systems for Detergency of Vegetable Oils at Low Surfactant Concentration and Bath Temperature.” The 106th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Orlando, Florida, USA (May 3–May 6, 2015).
- Attaphong C.*, S.R. Gollahalli, Sabatini D.A. “Vegetable Oil-based Microemulsion Biofuels Using Renewable Alcohols and Surfactants.” The 105th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA (May 4–May 7, 2014).
- Attaphong C., Sabatini D.A.* “Solubilization Capacity and Emission Characteristics of Vegetable Oil-based Microemulsion Biofuel.” The 104th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (April 28–May 1, 2013).
- Attaphong C.*, Do L., Sabatini D.A. “Optimizing the Formulation of Vegetable Oil Reverse- Micelle- Microemulsion Biofuel at Low Temperature Using Mixed Surfactant Systems.” The 103rd AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Long Beach, CA, USA (April 29—May 2, 2012).
- Arpornpong N., Attaphong C.*, Charoensaeng A., Khaodhia S., Sabatini D.A. “Alternative Renewable Biofuel from Palm oil- Diesel Based Reverse Micelle Microemulsion.” The 103rd AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Long Beach, CA, USA (April 29—May 2, 2012).
- Attaphong C.*, Do L., Sabatini D.A. “Vegetable Oil Reverse Micelle Microemulsion As An Alternative Renewable Biofuel Using Extended Surfactant.” The 102nd AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Cincinnati, OH, USA (May 1-4, 2011).
- Attaphong C.*, Phan T., Sabatini D.A. “Vegetable Oil Detergency: Removal of Highly Unsaturated Triglycerides Using Optimized Microemulsion System at Low Surfactant Concentration and Bath Temperature.” The 101st AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Phoenix, AZ, USA (May 16-19, 2010).
- Arpornpong N., Charoensaeng A., Khaodhiar S., Attaphong C.*, Sabatini D.A. “Admicellar Formation and Adsolubilization of Anionic Extended Surfactants onto Aluminum Oxide.” The 100th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Orlando, FL, USA (May 3-6, 2009).
- Attaphong C.*, Asnachinda E., Charoensaeng A., Khoadhiar S., Sabatini D.A. “Effects of Polymerization on Admicellar Formation and Adsolubilization using Polymerizable Surfactants.” The 99th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Seattle, WA, USA (May 18-21, 2008).
- Attaphong C., Asnachinda E., Charoensaeng A., Khoadhiar S., Sabatini D.A.* “Adsorption and Adsolubilization Using Polymerizable Surfactants onto Aluminum Oxide Surface.” The 98th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (May 13-16, 2007).